Friday, August 16, 2013

Easy Way to Get More Tomatoes

I have about 8 tomato plants and they are growing like crazy, but will I get a decent amount of tomatoes from them? I wondered and then looked on Pinterest again to see if there may be a tip for this like there was for the strawberry plants, and found this little jewel of an idea.  

But in all fairness, visit THIS WEBSITE to get the full scoop and details.

This little trick has caused a lot of new tomatoes to form on my plants. I'm so excited about it that I had to share with you!  Here is the basic procedure.

Per this website I followed from Pinterest, you just snap off the sucker at the base and discard it.  By removing the sucker off of the main plant you are allowing the central plant to have more energy to produce more blossoms or tomatoes and you will dramatically improve your production of tomatoes.

 Just pinch it off.  That's it!  Not a big deal.
Now, there is a difference between determinate and indeterminate plants. Indeterminate are vine type plants and keep growing. They will have suckers. Determinate are bush type plants and determinate ones do not have these extra suckers, so if you do not find any on your plants, that is why.

I hope this information will help you as much as it did me.  Please be sure to visit that page I got this from. There is a lot more information for you to see there!

Have a great day and be sure to subscribe and share my blog with others.  :-)

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