Friday, December 27, 2013

Hide-away Kitty Litter Box - great idea!

I guess if you are not a cat lover, you may want to move on to another of my posts. This is for those who need to have the litter box in an area that is not hidden in any way and you probably need to deal with loose kitty litter on the floor. Maybe this is our solution.  You will need to click on the photo to go to the website and see other photos and videos if you want to try to make this. Here is a short take on the topic. See what you think. Shared by HomeTalk

Time: 6 Hours       Cost: $40        Difficulty: Easy
The grip rug traps most of the litter upon exit, not all but it is certainly better!

Photo from someone who made one for themselves.

Hideaway Cat Litter Box

I'd finally had enough of the "sweep/vacuum/repeat" cycle with my two cats and their litter box in the bathroom. With a piece I scooped up from a thrift store, I created a hideaway litter box. It's not perfect, and took quite some time to plan out but my cats are using it and I'm no longer cleaning up the floor after them each day!
There is still a litter pan inside the chest which I clean every other day. There is no odor so long as the girls cover their business, and I change the litter completely once a month. They still kick litter around the opening, but I put a rug outside the box and can easily sweep it up. Compared to the previous routine of mess in the bathroom and litter in the tub, I highly recommend it as an alternative!
We're going on several months here, and no spraying or accidents outside the litter pan. Anyone who comes to visit has no idea what is inside, which was the main goal! Good luck with your own projects!

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