This pathway looks incredible! Add your own mysterious glow to your garden path, with these cool glow in the dark rocks, perfect for a fun evening party.
LEDs and motion sensors might be the efficient future of street lighting, but what about pedestrian walkways, bicycle lanes, and low-traffic roads in rural areas? Pro-Teq has a solution in the form of its glowing Starpath surface treatment, and not only will it reduce energy bills and lower
carbon footprints, it also looks amazing.
The Surrey, U.K.-based company has developed a new kind of coating that absorbs the sun’s UV rays during the daytime and then releases the energy at night, with the microscopic particles glowing to light the way. The treatment can be applied to nearly any hard surface — from concrete to wood — and doesn’t require the existing pathway to be removed.
Pro-Teq performed its first field trial of the new pathway coating in Christ’s Pieces park in Cambridge. After resurfacing the underlying pavement, a handful of technicians applied a thin layer of adhesive, followed by an aggregate (a special mix of non-slip, rock-like material), and finally the glowing coating.
From start to finish, Pro-Teq covered 150 square meters and the path was ready for pedestrians in less than four hours.
“[Cities] spend significant sums of money fully replacing existing pathways when the existing surfaces have reached the end of their practical life,” says Hamish Scott, Pro-Teq’s owner. “[Starpath] is cost effective… the client has a choice of size and color of aggregate… the surface is environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.”
While the Starpath coating couldn’t replace overhead lamps on major freeways and urban roads, its use on bike paths and sidewalks could reduce energy costs for cities and provide an alternative when the time comes to replace or repair a heavily trafficked path. And we certainly wouldn’t mind having a coating on our driveway.
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