How to free yourself from the grips of your clutter when it is your emotions and feelings holding you back. Click the photo below.
Lots of us want to be clutter busters, but we've got emotional issues with our stuff hindering us from decluttering.
How do I know this? I know it because many of you shared that your emotional reactions and thoughts about your stuff were the main thing holding you back from decluttering your home. You can read these heart felt comments (and share your own) at the bottom of the Decluttering Your Home Series Introduction Page, to see if you identify with anything anyone shared. I know I did.
Not everyone has exactly the same reactions and thought processes about decluttering, and not everyone has the exact same issues holding them back from the process, but I did notice many common themes. These themes are all things I know I can relate to, at least to some extent, and I'm betting many others of us can too.
Therefore, this article discusses the six major themes I discovered from examining your responses to the obstacles you faced in decluttering your homes, so we can talk about them, think about them rationally, and hopefully work through some of them together.
I don't claim to have all the answers, and let me assure you that I am in no way perfect. I hold on to way too much stuff sometimes. However, I've found when I voice my fears and emotions it helps me think about them more clearly, and come up with a solution that will work for me. I hope this can help you too.
Here are the main reasons that are explained further by clicking here.
It Has Sentimental Value So I Must Keep It
I Got It As A Gift, So I Can't Get Rid Of It
Letting Go Of The Dreams The Stuff Symbolizes Is Too Hard
I Paid Good Money For That So I Can't Let It Go
What If I Need It Someday?
Things Are So Messy I Can't Ever Get Done, So I Won't Start
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