Saturday, November 30, 2013

These will NOT be available after the New Year!

I've had enough.  I need room in my "office/library/craft room" so these totes of books for sale MUST GO.  I've had great patience and have sold many books and given many away to hospital cancer treatment centers, libraries, individual groups who give books to those who need them, but I am done.

SO if no one buys some great books for Christmas giving or even for themselves, I'm giving the last of them away to another library after January 1st.

Please take a look around and see if any would work for you. If you are local (about 25 miles or so from Palisade, MN) I can meet you and save you the postage, if you contact me directly before ordering.

Okay, so now go take a half hour or more and just browse through this collection and see if anything catches your eye. Keep in mind everyone on your list. Everyone loves a good book if it is about something that they are very keen about. Even guys that just love cars will love a good car book!

I hope you find a LOT of Christmas gifts here!  January 1st these books will be gone!

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