Friday, November 29, 2013

Dogs React to Tail-Wagging Direction
(see original posting by clicking here)

I always wondered why they wag their tails. It's amazing what information you can find online!  I think there is more research to be done about this and similar programs.


Dogs Respond to Tail Wagging

A new study reveals that dogs notice which direction a fellow dog is wagging its tail, and react accordingly. When the dogs in the experiment watched a video of another dog wagging its tail to the right, they remained at ease, with some even approaching the dog on the screen. But when they saw video of a dog swinging its tail to the left, they became more anxious and their heart rates increased.

The Italian researchers think both the tail wagging direction and the other dogs’ responses to it could come from their automatic responses rooted in different hemispheres of the brain. “A dog looking to a dog wagging with a bias to the left — and thus showing right-hemisphere activation as if it was experiencing some sort of negative/withdrawal response — would also produce anxious and targeting responses as well as increased cardiac frequency," said researcher Giorgio Vallortigara of the University of Trento. "That is amazing, I think." The findings were published in the journal Current Biology. — Read it at Live Science

Dog Rescued From Floodwaters

Fire crews in Austin, Texas, have been helping to evacuate 1,100 homes after a fall storm dropped 15 inches of rain on the region, resulting in widespread flooding.

This sweet picture by photographer Preston Culver captured firefighters Matt Harvey and Michael Cooper rescuing a dog from the flooding. “We don't just rescue two-legged victims … we love our four-legged friends as well,” the Austin Fire Department said when it shared the photo.


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