Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hanging Pans

HomeTalk had another great idea!  I'm not sure how many of you are receiving those posts on Facebook, but I love getting them!  What great ideas!  Here is one I plan to try, if I can get my hubby to go along with it!  Go to their page to see full instructions

I think the only problem I would have is that my pans would need to get scrubbed up a bit better on the outside to look better and stay that way! 

Hanging Pot Rack

After pricing hanging pot racks I decided that I would just make one of my own. I did this project in about 40 minutes for under $16. It looks great, is functional, and it freed up valuable cabinet space! 
Time: 40 Minutes     Cost: $16.00     Difficulty: Easy


1 -  ½” 5 ft conduit............$1.65 
2 -  ½” two Hole Strap..... $  .56 
8 -  1/8” 8 Hooks ..............$5.04 
6 -  ½” S Hooks................ $2.36 
2 -  3” S Hooks................. $2.36 
1 -   Red Duct Tape ..........$3.47 
                          TOTAL = $15.44

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