Thursday, December 5, 2013

Is Kitty safe in the kitchen?

Toxic Temptations: 6 Foods Your Cat Should Never Eat

If you’ve got a curious kitty at home, Thanksgiving may have been a challenge! Many cats are attracted by the unusual aromas wafting from the kitchen, and they like to investigate. Perhaps your feline friend jumped up on the counter as you prepared the pumpkin pie. Maybe he climbed up on the dining room table to scope out the turkey. It’s quite common for cats to check out food that’s left unattended in the kitchen. With a house full of dinner guests, it gets tricky keeping an eye on kitty.
Yet during the holiday season, just as during all the rest of the year, it’s crucial to keep your cat away from dangerous ingredients. Felines are simply unable to digest many common human foods, and just a nibble can be toxic. As we approach the next round of holiday gatherings, make sure to stow away these ingredients when kitty is nearby, and keep your cat comfortably enclosed in another room during preparation and mealtime.
  1. Raisins and Grapes. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center advises never feeding pets grapes or raisins. They are known to be toxic to dogs, and the ASPCA states there are ‘still many unknowns with the toxic potential’ of these fruits, including how they affect cats.

  2. Chocolate. While we humans can’t imagine a holiday dessert plate without a few chocolate treats, this is a toxic food for cats. A substance called Theobromine along with Caffeine can cause vomiting and over-stimulate the Central Nervous System, which can lead to death. All chocolate is dangerous to felines, but unsweetened baker’s chocolate is particularly harmful because it contains 8-10 times more Theobromine compared to milk chocolate.

  3. Garlic, Onions & Similar Root Veggies. These foods have the power to destroy your cat’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. Onions are particularly dangerous.

  4. Green Tomatoes. Your cat will experience severe lower gastrointestinal pain after eating these plants. Stems and leaves are especially toxic.

  5. Xylitol. You may not know what it is, but xylitol is a substance you likely digest on a regular basis. It’s found in candy bars, gum, toothpaste and some baked goods, and it’s used an artificial sweetener. Some ‘diet’ food products contain this ingredient. Keep it away from your cat! It has the potential to cause seizures and liver failure.

  6. Bones and Fat Trimmings. Don’t leave that turkey, chicken or roast beef out on the table unattended. And do NOT give kitty those leftover table scraps! A few nibbles of the fat remnants can lead to vomiting and diarrhea, and bones are a choking hazard.

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