Friday, December 6, 2013

Sock Bed for Kitty
Kitty Sock Bed 

 By: Berta Gilholm
There is a a way to recycle all those old fluffy worn out socks, the ones with a hole in the toe!  Make a sock bed to fit a cat or small dog. Your pet will love it!

  • 4 pair of worn out fluffy socks (any color)
  • 1 yard + 2” of solid color felt (to match the main color used in socks)
  • Quilting thread to match
  • Thin quilt batting & cotton stuffing
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Straight pins
  • Ruler
  1. Cut 2 - 18” circles out of the felt (can make larger for larger pets).
  2. Cut 1 – 17 ¾ “circle out of quilt batting.
  3. Stack the circles, felt on top, quilt batting in middle, felt on bottom. Sew a seam stitch around circumference of circles ¼” from the outer edge. Set aside.
  4. Lay each sock flat and cut 1 ½” off the toe* end. Leave the heel on, it helps curve the circle. Turn the socks inside-out, seam one cuff to the other lower foot area together mixing colors for a design, until all are joined and you have a long tube. Leave the end of the tube open for stuffing.
  5. Pin the tube to the edge of the felt circles about ¼ “ inside the circumference all the way around and sew the sock tube to the felt circles using quilting thread for a sturdy seam. Stuff the open end of the sock tube until solid and puffing up for a pillow for your pet. Sew the stuffing seam together and put in your pet. Your reward: Purrs or Wags!
*Toe End Sachets – fill the toe with dried rose, lavender, or magnolia petals wrapped inside a thin piece of batting and sew the open area together. Throw these in your drawers.

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